Green Market at Fort Greene Park. Are all edible: acorn, butternut and spaghetti squashes; They taste very good, by the way.
Green Market am Fort Greene Park. Sind alle essbar: Acorn, Butternut und Spaghetti Squashes; Schmecken uebrigens ganz ausgezeichnet.

Green Market in Fort Greene, am Fort Greene Park.

View from the park to Dekalb Avenue.
Blick vom Park auf die Dekalb Avenue.

Alte Brownstone Haeuser, Fort Greene.

Alte Brownstone Haeuser, Fort Greene.

The market seen from the park.
Der Markt vom Park aus gesehen.

The market seen from the park.
Der Markt vom Park aus gesehen.

Dekalb Avenue / Vanderbuilt Avenue. A typical 'stoop sale'.
Dekalb Avenue/Vanderbuilt Avenue. Ein typischer 'Stoop Sale'.

Not so ordinary tomatoes, Heirloom Tomatoes.
Nicht so ganz gewoehnliche Tomaten, Heirloom Tomatoes.

This Special subway train was running on the N/R line from Whitehall to 57th street in Manhattan on weekends in December 2004 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the NYC subway system. The cars originate from the 1930-1940s and were in use until the 1970s.
From Whitehall to 57th street, the special train at Whitehall

This Special subway train was running on the N/R line from Whitehall to 57th street in Manhattan on weekends in December 2004 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the NYC subway system. The cars originate from the 1930-1940s and were in use until the 1970s

Get a closer look at our two cats: Caro (7 years old) and Nelly (13 years old), the 'Lady of the House'

That's Isidor, a regular guest in our backyard!

Gates, NYC, Central Park, Part One - All the pictures have been taken February 19, 2004, Central Park near Columbus Circle. Alle Photos wurden am 19. Februar 2005 aufgenommen, Central Park, in der Naehe des Columbus Circle, NYC.

Gates, Central Park, NYC, Part Two - The photos were taken February 28, 2005, Central Park, NYC, Central Park South/ 5th Avenue. Letzter Tag, kalt, windig, und es fing an zu schneien.

Meet Emmett the potbellied pig - The images have been taken on August 12, 2006. Location: Dekalb Avenue near Vanderbilt Avenue in Fort Greene, Brooklyn.

Meet Emmett the potbellied pig. - The images have been taken on August 12, 2006. Location: Dekalb Avenue near Vanderbilt Avenue in Fort Greene, Brooklyn.